The early years of secondary school – typically years 7,8,9 and 10- are referred to as Lower School and represent the transition from Primary school in preparation for the demands of the Senior School.
All students in these years study a core curriculum in Mathematics, English, Science, Humanities and Social Science (HASS), Physical Education, Health Education, The Arts and Technologies. These courses are all taken by specialist teachers with a depth of knowledge in their particular area. We have specialist laboratories for Science and classrooms fully equipped with modern Information Technology to give students access to a wide range of stimulating resources and learning materials.
All learning areas are now teaching and assessing the West Australian Curriculum as required by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). Details of the West Australian Curriculum can be found here.
The Arts provides an opportunity for students in Years 7 & 8 to experience courses in “Visual Arts” such as Painting, Drawing, Photography or “Performing Arts” such as Drama, Dance. Students will get to experience these areas for at least one term in each year, getting a little experience in all areas by the end of Year 8. In Years 9 and 10 students can select a course in whichever area interests them most to study for a full semester.
Likewise in Technologies, students have the opportunity in Year 7 & 8 to study courses in “Materials”- Woodwork, Metalwork; “Engineering Principles”; and “Food Science and Technology”. They will have each of these areas for at least one term in years 7 & 8. In addition they will also have a course in “Digital Technologies” in both years to strengthen and enhance their Information Technology and computer skills.