Information about school bus routes can be found at

There is ample parking available at the school for dropping off and picking up your child.

Parking is available on Pendleton Street (off Wittenoon Street).

Bus Services - Contacts

The Out of Town Bus run is for those students who:

  • are enrolled in the nearest school
  • who regularly attend school and use the approved ‘orange’ school bus for at least 6 trips per week
  • live more that 4.5kms for the school

To Apply

To apply for Transport Assistance you need to:

  • log on to
  • click on the Parents section
  • select the Application for Transport Assistance
  • follow the prompts

 Out of town bus contacts

Bus 1 North East Robert Swindell 0418 947 880 
Bus 2 Muja Carissa Page 0419 770 700
Bus 3 Cardiff / McAlinden Robert Swindell 0418 947 880
Bus 4 Noggerup/Mumbalup Robert Swindell 0418 947 880
Bus 5 Worsley Robert Swindell 0418 947 880
Bus 6 Mungallup / Allanson Discontinued  
  Darkan Nicholls Transport (Narrogin) 9881 1736

Town bus run

The Town Bus run is for students who live in town and wish to catch a bus to or from school.  Please contact either Carissa Page 0419 770 700 or Robert Swindell 0418 947 880 to arrange a suitable location for the drop off/pick up of your child.  There is a nominal fee charged per trip and this is payable to the bus driver who will exchange the money for tickets.

Town bus run contacts

Coalfields Bus Service – Carissa Page 0419 770 700

Robert Swindell - 0418 947 880

Click here to view the bus contacts







For future term dates please visit the Education Department’s website

Term Dates 2025



Semester 1 
Term 1   Wednesday 5th February - Friday 11th April  
Break  Saturday 12th April - Monday 28th April  
Term 2  Tuesday 29th April - Friday 4th July  
Break   Saturday 5th July - Monday 21st July  
Semester 2 
Term 3   Tuesday 22nd July - Friday 26th September  
Break   Saturday 27th September - Monday 13th October  
Term 4   Tuesday 14th October - Thursday 18th December  


Parent Planner


Uniform Shop

The P&C uniform shop is open for your convenience each Friday morning from 8.20am to 8.45am. Please order uniforms via - for Technical Support, 1300 11 66 37. Volunteers are welcome at the uniform shop and if any parents, guardians or anyone part of the school community would like to be a part of the P&C contact the front office. 


QUICKCLIQ.COM.AU – for Technical Support, 1300 11 66 37



Monday, 3rd February

9.30am - 2.30pm

Tuesday, 4th February

10.00am - 2.00pm

Wednesday, 5th February

8.15am - 9.00am

Friday, 7th February

As normal, from 8.20 - 8.45am


If you have any questions or need help with the new ordering system please don't hesitate to contact our friendly P&C Volunteers during the above times.

The community of Collie Senior High School has a designated school uniform for the following reasons.

  • uniforms enhances a sense of belonging, equality and community spirit
  • separates school from leisure time, focusing students’ efforts on learning
  • prepares students for the expectations of post school employment
  • assists the school identify unwelcome strangers
  • promotes a positive image of the school by ensuring a minimum standard of presentation of all students

Our school colours are red, light blue and dark blue.

Recognised uniform items

  • School polo shirts (blue, white or House colours)
  • School cotton print dress
  • School track pants, School navy shorts
  • Blue/black shorts, trousers or skirt
  • School jumper, spray jacket or fleece jacket
  • School leavers jackets
  • Approved school clothing award to a particular group
  • School blazer, white dress shirt, school tie

Special Conditions

For the safety and well-being of your child, and for the reputation of our school we advise that:

  • closed footwear is required (no thongs or strapless sandals)
  • excessive jewellery is not allowed (a watch and simple sleepers or studs in pierced ears is preferred)
  • denim clothing is not allowed at school as per the Department of Education policy
  • appropriate protection from the sun is required
  • no branded clothing or clothing with inappropriate slogans is permitted
  • no board shorts, hoodies or ugg boots are to be worn
  • school policy that any visible tattoos or facial piercings must be covered at all times
Please note:
  • In cold weather extra warmth can be gained by layering items under the official uniform items.
  • Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.
  • And finally ... thank you for ensuring your child’s uniform is spick and span. It ensures our students look and feel great!


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday

Periods Times Session Length 
Period 0. Senior School - 7.39 - 8.40am 61 minutes - Tuesday only
University Prep Courses   No bell 7.39am
Warning Bell 8.40am 3 minutes
Home Room 8.43 - 8.58am 15 minutes
Period 1 8.59 - 10.00am 61 minutes
Period 2 10.01 - 11.02am 61 minutes
Recess 11.02 - 11.22am 20 minutes (2 minutes - transition)
Period 3 11.24- 12.25pm 61 minutes
Period 4 12.26 - 1.27pm 61 minutes
Lunch 1.27 - 1.57pm 30 minutes (2 minutes - transition)
Period 5 1.59 - 3.00pm 61 minutes


Thursday - Early Finish (No Home Room)

Periods Times Session Length 
Warning Bell 8.40am 3 minutes
Period 1 8.43 - 9.44am 61 minutes
Period 2 9.45 - 10.46am 61 minutes
Recess 10.46 - 11.06am 20 minutes (2 minutes - transition)
Period 3 11.08- 12.09pm 61 minutes
Period 4 12.10 - 1.11pm 61 minutes
Lunch 1.11 - 1.41pm 30 minutes (2 minutes - transition)
Period 5 1.43 - 2.44pm 61 minutes
Staff DOTT 2.45 - 3.00pm 15 minutes


Assembly Day (No Home Room)

Periods Times Session Length 
Warning Bell 8.40am 3 minutes
Assembly 8.43 - 9.24am 40 minutes
Period 1 9.25 - 10.13am 48 minutes
Period 2 10.14 - 11.02am 48 minutes
Recess 11.02 - 11.22am 20 minutes (2 minutes - transition)
Period 3 11.24- 12.25pm 61 minutes
Period 4 12.26 - 1.27pm 61 minutes
Lunch 1.27 - 1.57pm 30 minutes (2 minutes - transition)
Period 5 1.59 - 3.00pm 61 minutes

 NOTE: On Assembly Days students attend Period 1 and are accompanied by the teacher to the assembly.

Every Day Matters

Attendance at Collie Senior High School

Every day your child attends school matters. In secondary school this is even more important. Each day your child will learn something new so it is important to attend school every day. There is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement – which is why we place such importance on attendance at our school.

In Australia, attendance at school is compulsory from Pre-primary until the end of the year they turn 17 years of age.

From time to time your child may need to be absent from school. When this occurs please send a note of explanation to their Form Teacher when they return to school. If an absence is unexplained, we will contact you.

Teachers also appreciate, where possible, some advance notice of your child’s absence so they can prepare homework or make adjustments to their learning program.

Punctuality is also important. Your child is expected at school in time for the commencement of Period 1. If your child is late to school they require a note of explanation and to sign in at the front office on arrival. If your child has two unexplained late starts unfortunately they will receive a detention with our Deputy Principal.

If your child needs to leave school early

If your child is leaving early it is a legal requirement that you sign them out at the front office.

We are committed to ensuring your child is safe, so you should always let us know when and why they will be absent. When your child has left the school we do not hold a duty of care. Therefore it is important we communicate regarding your child’s attendance.  

Rewarding attendance

Because attendance is so important to your child’s success at school we have a reward program in place. When your child attends school 95% of the time or more, their name goes into a prize draw. Prizes are awarded each semester for each year level.

Our wonderful P&C Association kindly operates a canteen service which provides our students with an affordable range of healthy and filling foods. Profits from the canteen are used by the P&C to provide facilities and services that directly impact our students.

Lunch orders need to be placed in person at the canteen before the start of school or at recess.

Price list


Our school newsletter is produced once a month and is posted home to parents.

Whole of School assemblies take place every four weeks and are held in the School Gym first thing in the morning.

The Front Office is open between the hours of 8:30am - 3:30pm.

Phone:  08 9735 1200

Email:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Strong Tradition and Commitment

Since 1952 Collie Senior High School has delivered academic, university and vocational pathways for the children of the Collie community. We still have high expectations for our students because successful students equal a successful community.

In 1899, the first school in Collie was opened in a rented building by Mr J.T. Blaire with an enrolment of 55. The name of the town was then Coalville and the school was named Coalville School. In 1900, a new, two-roomed school was erected, the enrollment being 110. In 1903 the name of the school was changed to Collie.

For many years from 1924, the original school with its subsequent buildings, catered for both primary and post-primary children and was known as Collie District High School. In 1948, Collie reached the status of a three year High School with an enrolment of 200 post-primary students.

In 1951, the first class of fourth year students was established and in the following year nine students sat for the Leaving Examination (32 students sat for the Junior Examination in 1952).

In 1958 an overall plan was prepared for all buildings on the original site to be converted to High School purposes. These necessitated additional classrooms being erected at Wilson Park and the establishment of a new school at North Collie which was named Fairview.

In 1959, the first stage of conversion and modernisation of the School commenced with the first additions being officially opened on December 1, 1960. Further additions have been made over the years, the most recent of which was the construction of a new Administration block and Staff Room with the upgrade of a number of practical areas and the extension of the library in 2004.


  Mrs Bridgid Lafferty
  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.